Wednesday, June 13, 2012


With all the world watching the events in Syria, this issue simply is not getting any traction in the Western media.

For the 300th time, sarcasm inserted, Fatah and Hamas state they are "close" to a unified government.


Not much has changed on this front.

Hamas still can't stand Fayyad and Abbas won't work without him.

So, what is changing this time around?

My answer is the Muslim Brotherhood.

Notice how they real decisions on this topic are once again put off until the second round of the Egyptian Presidential Elections?

It's just another sign of who is really calling the shots here...

In the MB Master Plan, the Palestinian Authority will have a unified government and that government will answer to the MB.

The MB problem is the situation in Egypt is not going as easy as they planned.

It's not that they have forgotten about the plan to unify the PA government, it's just that they must solidify their Egyptian issue first.

In the meantime, the Israeli government watches to see what the MB plans for the PA.

Israel knows all too well the end-state for the MB is to have a unified PA government that demands statehood and Jerusalem.

The timetable for this plan is something the MB wants to control and that means getting Hamas and Fatah to do as they are told.

 Not too many people are really holding their collective breath for this " unified" event, but Israel is still formulating what the reaction needs to be if it happens.

If things don't go the way the MB wants them to in Egypt, and I think they could, then all bets are off and the MB will be distracted for sometime to come.

Add to that the now declared Civil War in Syria and the PA unification issue could continue to be nothing more than a typical mirage in the desert.