Monday, February 4, 2013


Well, I'm not sure anyone's paying attention but it's very apparent the power struggle inside Iran's leadership continues to grow!

Who the next president will be after this June's elections is anyone's guess, but Ahmadinejad is doing his level best to make sure it is not one of his known adversaries.

As I've said before, the internal power struggles of the Iranian government is far more disruptive than most in the Western world realize.

I'm not sure anyone in the West even has a working understanding of what a "moderate" Iranian leader may stand for, but everyone seems to be hoping against hope one will  come to the forefront.

What is clear is the economic crisis is the weapon of choice for all sides involved.

Religion, Zionist and the crisis in Syria or a pending "Arab spring" are not the flavors of the day.

The price of bread loss of subsidies and the devaluation of currency are the cornerstones of this struggle for power.

The religious leaders of Iran seem content to allow the somewhat sectarian politicians squabble and better yet take the blame for the economic miseries of Iran; for you see, the real power in Iran will never leave the mullahs and the ayatollahs are whatever title they care to give themselves!

Although this struggle does not appear to gain much traction in the Western press, you can be assured in Jerusalem is a daily conversation.

The ability to exploit weaknesses of your enemy is a doctrinal concept that will not be overlooked by the Israelis or the nationstates of the GCC!

The actions of Ahmadinejad may appear to be amateurish, but if there's one thing he knows how to do, it's to play the part of the sensational leader.

The elections grow near and the drama will only increase.

The question becomes, with the issue of Syria and Israel overtakes the economic crisis in Iran before the elections are held?

A looming economic future is at best bleak spells disaster for the Iranian leadership and they know it.

To what ends with the Iranian government go to take its publics eye off of their economic misery?