Sunday, October 30, 2016


Well, once again, the news of the day was based on the topic of emails and political leaders who make rules but don’t live by them. As important as the issue of Hillary’s emails may be, the danger of increased violence in the Middle Eastern Region continues to increase. Since the beginning of the operation to retake Mosul, the fear of further inflaming the sectarian conflict between the Sunni and Shia has been on radar. Could anyone convince the Iranian Puppet Masters of these Shia Militias to limit their involvement? Did Iran even intend on limiting their involvement? Who warned Iran not to let the Shai groups get too involved? The Russians? The US? The Turks?
It now appears, just as some had predicted, the Shia Militias are going to take a leading part in the battle for Mosul? Even if Iraq and Iran attempt to hide this event, the truth will get out. Iraq can claim their Anti-Terrorism Forces are leading the fight and Iran can deny the Shia Militias level of support, but there will be no hiding the truth and the truth is, the Iranian controlled Militias are going to be deeply involved in any successful fight for Mosul.
What will the Sunni nations stand for? The Shia Militias have had their way in Iraq in the past and the long-term repercussions have flamed the hatred of the two groups to new levels. 
Is anyone able to provide any level of checks and balances to this pending disaster?
What will the repercussions be if Shia Militias once again rain revenge on the Sunni citizens of Mosul?
Who will be there to stop it from taking place? Iraq’s government? I highly doubt it. Words. We will hear “words” from the Iraqi leadership, but then again, that is all we have heard from them for the past thirteen years….”words”!
Will the Tsar prevent yet another round of sectarian violence? Ask yourself the most simplistic question. What’s in it for the Tsar? If it makes the West look weak and if it makes the US look even more lost then they already are, then why would he.
Prevention? Is anyone or any nation actually in a position to prevent this Shia Militia event? Yes.
The Turks! The NATO member, Turkey and their Tyrannical leader!
Are the Turks talking to the Russians about the dangers of the Shia Mulitas and Mosul? Yes, and they have been for months. They have been talking not just about Mosul, but the Shia Militias actions in general. By the way, these Militias have been conducting “retaliation / revenge / events for years in Iraq.
Who do the Turks hold responsible for these Shia Militia groups? The Iraqis? Yes.
Why the Iraqis and not the real controlling nation, Iran? Because it’s easier to say Iraq is responsible for letting the groups on Iraqi soil than it is to say Iran controls Iraq. By the way, as a reminder, Iran does control Iraq!
As the email stories coming out of the US continued to mystify the Western world, it was easy to overlook a very serious statement by the Turkish leadership. A buildup of forces on the Iraqi border. This announcement was in conjunction with a continuing threat from Turkey over the issue of the Shia Militias.
The Sultan of the what he hopes is the new, Ottoman Empire, is trying hard to portray himself and Turkey as the defenders of the Sunni faithful in Syria and to some degree Iraq. Most of us realize his real goal is to prevent the Kurds from carving out a state along the Turkish border, but a the idea of a hostile occupation force being sent into Syria and or Iraq is much more supportable in the Sunni world if that bases for that force is saving the Sunni civilians from the crazed Shia Militias.
Can the Turks really afford to come to blows with these Iraqi supported, Iranian controlled Shia Militias?
Well, that depends on what the Sultan and the Tsar have come to terms with?
Notice I didn’t mention the Western / US / influence in this decision?
Does a large part of the world understand the US is preoccupied with one of the embarrassing Presidential Election in decades? Oh yes, and that my friends is even more dangerous then the Ottoman’s Sultan’s threats!