Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Great article I found today that really gets down to what the issue is going to be for Egypt.

It's easy to be confused by the scorecard right now.

The Muslim Brotherhood wants quick elections, but they don't want the Military exempt from Parliamentary oversight given the MB plans on running the Parliament.

The Socialist, Secularist don't want quick elections given they are not ready, but they don't want the Military to govern the country any longer!

The Egyptian Military doesn't want the country ruled by Islamic Fundamentalist and they don't want to  have their economic control of  Egypt overseen by anyone.

So, everyone wants their cake and eat it to!

Israel can't take the stress of more instability on their border.

Turkey would love to see the MB take control of Egypt and them come calling on Turkey on how to govern as an Islamic State.

Iran loves the distraction, but knows the growing power of the MB is going to mean trouble for Iran down the road.

Syria loves the distraction, but Assad knows it's too little and too late.. unless it goes real ...real.. bad... like Civil War bad and in that case Syria blows up anyway.

Remember back in January of 2011 when everyone was so excited about the Arab Spring and all the great things that were going to come out of it?

How's that working for you now????