Thursday, September 15, 2011


I wrote this today for some folks I work with, but I thought I would post it tonight.

A well written snapshot of Turkey's actions over that past two years.

Erdogan  could be overheating his own message or put another way, he's
drinking too much of his own Kool-Aid.

The desire of becoming the regional power for the Middle East may be goal of
a Nationalist such as Erdogan, but history is a well known topic in the
Middle East and the Arabs remember the Ottoman Empire!

I strongly suspect Turkey believes the EU is on a downward spiral and as
such the need to become a member may have changed.

Without having to dance to the fiddle of the EU, a newborn Islamic based,
Nationalistic  government, such as Erdogans', may feel the Arab Spring has
provided the perfect timing to take the lead in the region.

Erdogan knows all too well the most emotional issue in the Middle East  is
and has been  Palestinian Statehood.

Taking on the quest of the Palestinian people robs the Iranian (Persian
Empire under development)  plan of its regional draw.

Iran also understands the real "player" behind the Syrian revolt is Erdogan.

The Syrian Muslim Brotherhood lives by a creed like all other Arabs, " the
enemy of my enemy is my friend".

Assad may not be the true enemy of Erdogan and his dream of the Ottoman
Empire, but Assad is a puppet of the up and coming Persian Empire and that
makes him an "enemy".

The old and once powerful Egypt is a victim of timing.

As they sit in rubble that was once a Dictatorship, they are powerless to
rebut or perhaps even influence the Turkish Juggernaut named Erdogan.

Their fight for regional relevance may have to wait until years in the

So it seems Erdogan has everything going his way.

He has the West stating his form of government is the pathway to the future
for all the Middle East and North Africa; a concept we will determine is a
huge strategic error too late!

He is quickly becoming the Champion of the Middle East, much to the dismay
of Iran.

So, why should he be worried?


As he takes his "world Tour" of the Arab Spring countries you have to wonder
if he has noticed the change in Israel?

Where have the protest gone over the  cost of living? ( Tent City )

Where are the articles by Israelis condemning Israel's inability to address
the Palestinian Statehood issue?

Where are the outcries for Benjamin Netanyahu and his party to step down in
the face of pending violence?

It is clear, to me, the people of Israel are beginning to see what they
truly have facing them.

They have begun the process of preparing for what they have always gone to
bed at night fearing; another War!

Not the "skirmishes" of 2006/ 08, but the concept of a 1967 or 73 conflict.

It  should be a warning bell to not just Erdogan, but all of the Middle East
that Israel and more importantly the people of Israel have gone quiet.

For the enemies of Israel to think the events such as the Tent City protest
was the beginning of an Israeli Spring, could be catastrophic!

For the Middle East to rejoice in the possibility of having Israel
surrounded and cut off from sympathetic nations, is to place Israel in a
position of  desperation.

The youth dancing in the streets of Cairo, Amann, Gaza, the West Bank are
too young to remember the last true war in the Middle East.

In the long run, I am afraid that is the real problem; youthful Social
Networkers who have never seen the region as it was in 67 or 73. 

Mubarrak understood all too well the repercussions of a "trapped Israel".

I know great people are trying desperately to figure a way out of this
pending UN vote and the over confident Ottomans, but they are running out of