Tuesday, December 10, 2019



I think I've talked about these two topics before, but that's the great thing about blogging; You decide what to post, not someone else! I fully realize just about everyone has heard or read dozens of definitions in regards to "The Swamp....... The Deep State"! Today, I'm not going to travel down that road. Today, I'm going to ask a simple question. Why would such organizations exist? If you have heard that approach before, feel free to go do something else. This post will not be a long, drawn-out dissertation. Short and to the point. Today that is my intent.  

Birds of a feather: 

Is there a real difference between the terms "Swamp" and " Deep State"? To Professor Nerdly, absolutely and as a matter of fact, he and others like him will attempt to make their fame and fortune addressing the topics. What about Joe? Josie Sixpack? Does Swamp and Deep State have separate meanings? Do they even care? If you ran a 30 min special on the topic, narrated by Professor Nerdly, during the College Football playoffs, I think you would have your answer. At the end of the day, to most of the US population, Deep State and Swamp are birds of the same feather. For the sake of this post, let's assume the two are the same feathers and move on to the critical question, my question.

Reality Background:

Where are international agreements discussed and worked out, the ones that are nation-state to nation-state? Obvious answer, DC. Knowing this, where do the majority of large corporations place their priority of effort; you know.................Lobbyist. Yep, DC. "Deals," the massive ones are hatched after they are incubated and manipulated in DC. If some of these "deals" are really big, then actual federal agencies kick in, and we all know what that means. The political, "What's in it for me" process swings into high gear. Try taking this "deal" process outside of DC, and you will end up in a courtroom. Trade laws, interesting who they really benefit. The world revolves around commerce, and in the US, commerce is controlled in DC. Heck, the federal government even has a department called Commerce. 

Okay, so the Center of Gravity, I love that term, is based on economics, and the Center of Gravity for Center of Gravity resides, almost exclusively, in DC.  Getting the picture yet? Let me add the next clue. The clue resides in a word I used in the above paragraph. Corporations / Industry. Let me ask you something. Who reports to whom? Politicians, almost all of them, require huge sums of money to run for office. Industry, well, they need the government in power's support for striking deals. To the two of them, it's a match made in Heaven. " I give you money, you give me permissions and contracts. Again,  let me toss a word in here; Lobbyist! In reality, a fourth branch of the US's government. Don't buy it? Let me give you an example, and it's a huge one at that. The Military-Industrial Complex. September 11th takes place, and the US initiates the " Global War on Terrorism." Was it the right thing to do? You bet it was. Did the US conduct the operation most efficiently? Not even close. Why? What happened about two years after 9-11? My opinion, and it's an ugly statement, Industry realized the amount of money that could be made off of the GWOT! Nearly 19 years later and industry is still churning out the latest, greatest gadgets for DoD, DHS, and just about every company that is told they could be a target. " You need this, or you will not be in compliance with DHS standards"! I use to have teams of people who's job was to asses if state, federal, and private institutions were in compliance. A HUGE self-licking ice cream cone? You bet it is. Where does all of this coordination take place? DC? Yep. Did we attack our enemies with the intent to neutralize their ability to do us harm anytime soon? Did we destroy the nations that supported them to send the world a message, " don't F..K with us"? At first, the first three years or so, we tried. But, even then, the gravity of those who saw longterm contracts became too powerfull to pull away from. Nation-State building, spreading Democracy, these became the drumbeats of DC, both parties. Feathers..remember.........feathers! "This will take a long time." Remember that line? The man who made that statement did so based on validated intelligence. The problem became, those words became music to the ears of those who were making money, huge money, from this new honey hole.........GWAT. 

Swamp Mentality: 

By design,  DC is the seat of the US government. By desire, DC has become the center of economic and fiscal events. As time has marched on, reality has become very apparent. Those who get inside the DC Center of Gravity have no intention of leaving. Industry has shaped its own environment. If DC is where the decisions are made, and industry needs decessions to go their way, then membership in the DC club must be controlled. Those that approve "deals" intend on keeping that approval process. The "Swamp and the tools of the Swamp, the Deep State, have closed the doors to reality. The Beltway Bandits, a nickname I've used for years, have created their own nation-state. The Nation of DC. The very land they work from and live on is controlled by the federal government. Sealed off and supported by those that require federal spending, the Swamp has become a distant land to those who have been cast as members of "flyover country." 

The Attack:

Is President Trump sometimes Irrational, hotheaded, attention-deficit disordered, vindictive, and even unpolished?  Yep. Are these new traits of US Presidents? Do you know US history? Of all the caveats the Left and the Swamp can place on Trump, there has been one they hate the most. Flyover country put him in the White House, legally! Was Trump and "outsider"? Yes, that's why flyover America voted for him? Ask yourself, "why did flyover country vote for an outsider"? Answer, because they were sick of the nation-state of DC. A Nation-state where all sides have the same feathers. To the Nation-State of DC, Trump was an attack. He was the enemy force leader sent to dismantle the gates of the Nation-State of DC. Not only was he a threat to the political, "forever" party......you know.......................the ones that get there and stay there, he was even questioning the industrial legacy of DC. " Show me you are competitive or you are gone." That's how the GWOT industry must have interpreted Trump's arrival. 

Preemptive Attack:  

What do you do when you believe you are about to be attacked? Well, if you know what you are doing, and the Swamp does, you don't wait for the attack. You attack first. Russia Gate, mental health, sexual harassment,  Ukraine. Who came up with these issues? Where did these stories initiate? Inside the Nation-State of DC, that's where. Did the Swamp fear Trump's changes to the game? You bet, or did they genuinely believe he was the original President to speak to other nations about what he needed? Hint...think.........JFK, Nixon, Regan, Clinton, and so on and so on. Who would have known the dark side of White House actions? Who would have known such events were off the radar of the American people, but necessary to keep keep the beer and chips flowing in the US? You bet, the Swamp did. But, if you need tools to preempt the pending attack of your enemy, then you expose issues that have been taking place since the time of the Pharaohs. 

Look, folks; a vast, centrally controlled, federal government, a government that dictates the day to day lives of those who serve under it, not the other way around, is the concept of what political philosophy? Yep, the progressive left, socialist. You work, you send your money to that government in the form of taxes, and that government will provide for you, but at a level, the collective decides is required. What type of government did the founders of this US fear? The nation-state of DC, the Swamp's, goal is to control any and all events that impact the lives of those who live in the nation. If Trump was seen as the "outsider" who was going to change that course, to what lengths do you think DC would go to in order to prevent his actions? Not groomed in the camp of two feathers. Not part of the DC "Team." Even worse, one of those who spent money shaping DC. One who knows where the skeletons are buried. Just how dangerous is Trump to the Swamp? Dangerous enough to bend the articles of Impeachment, that's how dangerous.

Critical Error:

The nation-state of DC truly believes with the help of the left-leaning MSM, the representative of flyover country will be tossed out of the club. Worse, the Swamp believes they will send a message to the supporters of their enemy, " Don't try this again." Let me see if I have my US history correct. The US is a Republic, right? I wonder if anyone in the Swamp truly understands what that means? 

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