Sunday, August 19, 2018


“ The Russians did this and the Russians did that and there’s a Russian behind every voting booth in the US”….and so on …..and so on! Russia…..Russia….Putin….Russia! Good grief. Back when the Russians were Communist, the Liberals in the US loved them….hell.. they even wanted to have their babies. Then, thanks to the Liberal’s Hero, George Soros and a few of his buddies, the Russians went Nationalistic and now….now… they are responsible for just about everything bad that happens. Wait. I’ve been down this road and did so just within the past few weeks. I Don’t want to beat that horse again, but I did bring this up for a reason. China! Hello! Everyone is focused, phobic on the wrong country.

China Prepares for War.

            So, the annual Military and Security Developments involving the People’s Republic of China 2018 report was release to Congress and what do ya know, it states the Chinese are preparing for war with the US and it’s Allies! Amazing. What an insightful conclusion that was. Just how much manpower went into this report and how many US tax dollars? The Chinese are expanding their capabilities “rapidly”. Who would have guessed. You mean to tell me the Chinese PLA is actually training for war with a potential enemy? Now, that’s a cutting edge mindset. No, wait….every, even Simi modern military does the same thing; why, I thin the US may do something along these lines! Okay, nuclear Bombers that are training to reach further targets than in the past. Wow, ground breaking stuff here. So, should we all get ready to head for the bomb shelters? Is the Dragon about to lay waste to Western military capabilities? What are we to do? We have the Chinese preparing for war with the West / US / and we have the Liberals in the US ready to attack the Russian because we all know it’s their fault Hillary didn’t win. Things look bad folks….real bad…..perhaps we should just fold the tent and hope for the best. I have an even better idea. Can we stop screaming about the Russians and perhaps get ready with the Russians for the day when the Dragon spreads it’s wings all over the world?

It's about the money.

            What are reports like the one mentioned above really for? I know, the Pentagon and political answer is, “we need these reports to prioritize our efforts”. True, but some of us know the other, “real reason”, is because the Military Industrial Complex needs to keep the political leaders pumping the dollars into the corporate bank accounts. Can you imagine a report on the status of China’s military that said, “ they can’t do combined arms….they can’t project their Navy…they can’t resupply to the other side of the world…..they can’t fight a conventional war away from their mainland”. Now, how much money is going to be spent on those statements? How do you get people to give up their money if you can’t scare them to death? Okay, before I really do head back down the road of a post I did a few weeks ago, let me get back on track here.

China’s form of warfare.

            The New Silk Road Project / Belt and Road Initiative / concept. What’s it really all about? Is it a form of revolutionary warfare? Think before you answer. What’s the biggest worry of every nation that’s enticed to be a member of the wonderful adventure of Belt and Road? If you said, indebtedness, then I’m proud of you. Yes, that is exactly what the issue is. So, how is indebtedness a form of warfare? Well, that’s a question best answered by the Chinese, but I can take a shot at explaining.
            Let’s jump twenty years, give or take, in to the future. Let’s look at a world where every “key” nation’s debt is owned, controlled by China. Sound crazy?  Go back forty years and tell DC that China would own the US debt to the point of no return and would do so within thirty years. Often, things that sound outrageous now, become reality at some point. A great and wonderful, world trading process design to make every nation happy and wealthy. In so many words, that’s the pitch China is giving the New Silk Road project. “Everybody wins”! If you believe that, truly believe that, then you need to store a Chinese flag in your garage and that way you won’t have to find one when the time comes that every house is required to fly it. The New Silk Road / Belt and Road Initiative/ is a form of warfare the Chinese have invested almost as much money in as they have their military. Economic control, global, economic control. That’s the goal of the Dragon and the superior military is the hammer held over everyone’s head if they don’t sign the papers. The New Silk Road is not about Happy…Happy land. It’s about China fulfilling the dreams Xi continues to speak of. China’s time to rule. Why send a Aircraft Carrier Strike Force to the coast of the US, when you can simply pull the purse strings of every nation that takes out the loan for the magical Silk Road? “We need your resources and we will employ you as you send them to us”. Sound crazy? Let me give you another example of this new form of warfare the Dragon is unleashing.


            When you’ve been talking about these topics as long as I have, it’s hard not to repeat yourself. Having said that, let’s talk about Siberia. Who owned a large chunk of it before the Russians? Yep. The Dragon. What is Siberia full of? Yep, everything the Chinese need to continue to build the Empire. How might China go about taking back that large hunk of Siberia? Yes, it’s hard to do when the folks that own it, own a whole bunch of nukes. So, you have to get far more creative. You have to find a way that almost goes unnoticed, until it’s too late. Okay, here is where that new form of warfare comes into the picture. “ When Siberia Will Be Chinese”. If you’ve not heard of this documentary, go to Amazon Prime and search for the title. Get somewhere quiet and leave your phone in the other room. Watch the 51 minute program and as you are doing so, think about my pitch of the new Chinese form of warfare. I don’t want to spoil the program for you, but when it’s over, if you don’t understand what I’ve been saying, then go back and get that flag I was telling you about.

Winter is Coming:  

            I’ve used the analogy before of the White Walkers and “ Winter is Coming”, but like I said, when you’ve been posting as long as I have on the topic, your are going to repeat themes from time to time. Yes, the Chinese are preparing for war with the US and “others” and it’s that list of “others” that better keep the Russians up at night. Okay, here is one last concept the Liberals in the US are going to have to come to terms with. “ United we stand, divided, we fall”. Here’s the catch. Who makes up the, “We”?

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