Wednesday, August 27, 2014


This story paints a very ominous picture for Syria,  but it cannot be fully understood without realizing the most important fact that will insure the outcome the Alawites fear.

Over the course of the past thirty years, the concept of warfare in Western Society has changed.

“kill the bad ‘guy’, but not the person next to him.
“Fight our enemies, but don’t lose any of our troops”.

“Destroy the second floor of the building, but don’t disrupt the power or water to the people on the first floor”.

Is my sarcasm over the top?

Perhaps, but my point cannot be disputed.

The West / US / has adopted an unrealistic vision of modern warfare.

Yes technology has made many things possible, but it has not destroyed the ability of our enemies to be ruthless, committed and simply more willing to fight than we are.

We chose, and it is our choice, to destroy 100 dollar trucks with three guys armed with rifles with a 300K dollar missile.

We do not chose to fight this truck with an armored vehicle or dismounted infantry or even Special Forces!

Our version of warfare is based on casualty aversion, public opinion and cost; unless that cost is associated with large companies making Billions from the conflict.

So, why is it the US administration and other Western Leaders, note… not all, are sounding the alarm bell on Islamic State Forces movements?

Why did the two most senior military leaders of the most powerful military in world warn the US public of the dangers of IS forces?

And why did the current Administration Officials quickly respond to the media that this “threat” may not be as bad as the impressions that were given?

Why is this message so confusing?


That is the reason.

The most powerful nation in the world doesn’t have the “resolve” to face a problem that might be the largest threat to society, or it may not be!

Should the West / US / put “boots on the ground” in the region to destroy the Islamic State movement?

It depends.

Is the movement capable of altering the entire region?

Is it capable of severely impacting the daily lives of the West?

What price is the West willing to pay to solve this issue?

What is the proper way to defeat this movement?

I’ve said this before and I will say it again.

The Islamic State movement has and continues to grow into “cult” status!

Young men flock to it for one basic reason; what alternative do they have?

For over ten years, the West truly believed the way to destroy AQ, remember them, was with precision munitions.

Even a precision strike by elite forces took out Osama.

Are we safer?

Is the Radical Islamic threat over?

Is it worse?

The Alawite people of Tartous people are facing the same issue I spoke of back in June of this year.

Like the Iraqi forces that abandoned their post, they see movement in the dark.

They hear sounds as paranoia grips their chest.

How many airstrikes will it take to save Tartous when the Boogeyman steps from the shadows?

The screams will be heard from Aleppo and Homs and those screams will empty the streets of Tartous.

The World War I disaster created in the Middle East has perhaps bread its ultimate villain.

Are there any Superheroes left?

Perhaps not in the West.

It may be time to look to the East!

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