Friday, May 18, 2012


A lot of "Smoke and Mirrors" going on here.

Is it possible the West is concerned arms flowing to the Syrian Rebels  /
Resistance Fighters / take your pick /  could end up in the hands of pro
radical Islamic forces?


Is it possible these arms movements are being supported by countries such as
Saudi and the GCC?


Would this, once again, place the goals of the West / US / in conflict with
the desires of Saudi and other GCC members?


Is it possible the Lebanese government is trying to take some of the heat
off of them for the arrest of  Al-Mawlawi, a Sunni leader, by pointing the
finger at the US?


Would Hezbollah deliberately inflame Tripoli in order to " take the pressure
off of Syria"?


Would Iran think inflaming Lebanon to distract the world from the Syrian
issue would be a sound plan?


So, what is going on in Lebanon?

A Civil War, or a version of one, is taking place in Syria and Lebanon, who
is already a house divided, is on the border of that Civil War.

Iran doesn't want a "proxy war" in Lebanon unless it's a conflict with

Wasting Hezbollah and Lebanon battlefields on anything other than war with
Israel would be a huge mistake for Iran.

It's not Iran / the Persians / who are moving to turn Lebanon into a "proxy

It's the Sunni..... The Muslim Brotherhood!!

Lebanon is the tactical jump point for operations in Syria.

As the final push to win over Syria comes, Lebanon will move back into Sunni
control.. and that is the Master Plan.

Iran knows this.

We all know this... or we should!

Ok, the million dollar question!!!

Will Pro Qaida forces begin to take action in Lebanon?


Look for the IED campaign in Tripoli soon!!!

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