Monday, August 22, 2011


The last thing Iran needs right now is for all eyes to turn back to Syria.

For the past few days the trend has been just what Iran and Lapdog Assad needed; everyone watching Libya and Gaza!

Behind the scene Turkey is working hard on their next move over Syria because being a future “leader” demands constant action and never-ending leadership.

Iran knows this and that makes them even more desperate to keep the world’s attention somewhere else.

So, Gaddafi needs to keep up the pressure and keep the media ridding around in trashed out pickup trucks driven by low functioning IQ idiots all for the sake of praying you can get shot at on live feed; at least this is how Iran sees it!

Already today there were protestors yelling, “ Assad you are next”.

Now, Iran has not completely exhausted their Libyan option.

If anyone believes for a single second the better days for Libya are about to start… well … they should go back to watching “ The Batchelor” or WWE Wrestling.  

The LMB and “others” are going to struggle to implement what the West is terrified of and that is yet another country falling to Shariah Law.

The odds of the ragtag alliance in Libya forming a functional government anytime in the near future are about a BILLION to ONE!!!

Tribal allegiances in a land that has absolutely no notion of a freely elected government will impede the hopes of the West.

The bottom line; Libya is a long ways away from a peaceful future and that is just the kind of news Iran is praying for.

I do have bad news for the Persian Empire.

If all that takes place in Libya is arguing and protesting, the lack of blood and bodies will mean the loss of  news coverage.

So, Iran has to have a fallback plan and that plan is keeping the violence moving in Libya.

Their ability to “support” radical elements in Libya is a fact the West can not overlook.

For all that we have talked about over the past five months when it comes to Libya, the real Iranian plan is about to unfold in September!

But,  the MB and Egypt and possibly Turkey may have other ideas for the PA issue and Israel and I am betting Iran is not part of their planning right now.

Libya is shifting to the sidelines and the stage is set for what could be the most dramatic event for the Middle East in decades…

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