Friday, November 8, 2019



A few days ago, I attempted to paint a picture of how the US might divide along the lines of "flyover country" and the major cities.


My opinion of how the collapse of US societal balance would take place was based on the current drama in DC. Is that soap opera the only scenario that might trigger such a crisis? Of course not. The growing divide inside the US is more complicated than just the political struggle over those who hate President Trump. As I have stated in the past, the systemic issue of social imbalance has been brewing for decades now. Some might say, the path the US is heading down was almost predictable. What's that cycle some talk about? The brave create the lazy, entitled, and the lazy, entitled create issues where the brave must sacrifice again. I know it's not close, but you get my point. The US has been safe for decades now, since the end of the Cold War, at least safer than in the recent past. What's the outcome of that "safe" period? Lazy.....Entitled? If you want my opinion, that's exactly what has taken place. 

Is the US truly dividing down the lines of those that pay the bills and those who live off of entitlements?  To hear "flyover country tell the story, that is exactly what is taking place. Is it true? Does it matter? How often have I said, perception is reality in the 21st Century? In my opinion, enough of the country believes the perception to be accurate, and resentment continues to grow at an alarming rate. Now, here is where that picture gets really dangerous.  

The Other Perception: 

" I don't get my fair share...... The Government needs to pay my college debt..... I should get paid 15 dollars an hour to make hamburgers..... White Men are the cause of all of my problems.....Republicans / White Males/ hate all races, and the list goes on and on and on, right? Does it become difficult to distinguish between potential valid issues and the constant crying of the "lazy/ Entitled"? You bet it does. Does the segment of the US that pays most of the bills get tired of hearing all this complaining? I think all you need to do is ask a few folks in "flyover country" and you will have your answer. 

Just how much is enough? Is there a limit to providing entitlements? What would make the entitled say, " I don't need any more; thank you"?  Can the US just continue down the path it's heading? In the history of modern societies, has any nation survived a neverending flow of gifts, gifts provided by one side of a two-party political system? Look, the real question is one the US better start thinking about. How much longer can this go on? 

Out of Schlitz

Now, a lot of you may not remember or even know what that statement means, but that's where the US is heading. The scenario I painted in the linked website addressed the possible course of events if President Trump is Impeached or not Impeached, but the environment for such an event is already there. It's been there for several years, and something is going to trigger a real divide. It's illogical to believe a society where one side complains of not being heard, and paying too much is countered by another party that claims they aren't getting their "fair share." Did I mention, social norms and beliefs and how those are separating at an alarming rate? That's probably going to be my follow on post. This analysis of stability is time-consuming stuff. Now, if you will excuse me, I'm going to go have a Schlitz before they are all gone!