Sunday, December 4, 2011


About a week ago, I read an editorial on why it was the Arab Spring was not taking hold in Russia.

Lots of talk about how the youth of Russia was so Nationalistic they would support anyone, like Putin, who would put Russia back on the World Stage.

To make a long story short, the author was arguing Russia simply was not in a position to

follow the Arab Spring path.

As soon as I was finished reading it, I think it was posted on Al Jazeera, I almost convinced myself he may be on to something.

Well, it is safe to say that I now firmly believe he was and is DEAD WRONG.

The elections in Russia spell a very..... very... troubling word for Mr Putin,, AKA the  KGB KING... and that word is  " Discontent"!!       

Discontent.. the key ingredient for a Russian Spring.... I don't know you will get much done in a Russian Winter....

For months now, Putin has been hard at work using the Arab Spring, like a few others, as a smokescreen to set his plan into motion.

If he was convinced a strain of the Tunisian Virus... Yes.. I still refer to the Arab Spring as the Tunisian Virus... then he has made a huge mistake.

If he believes that the Muslim Brotherhood doesn't have it's long range goals for the Muslim  " Stans" than he is even a bigger fool.

If he is about to shove his United Russia party down the throats of the Russian people, then he is making yet another huge mistake and he will also set the stage for the Russian version of the Arab Spring.

Many people are talking about how Putin is trying to turn back the hands of time.

Some are even talking about the " Empire" returning....

All that might be true.. .Putin is an Nationalist to the center of his heart.

The question becomes, can he place a stranglehold on the Russian government again yet at the same time fight off the Social Media driven Arab Spring movement?

Suddenly, Russian has become worthy of keeping an eye on..

One thing is for sure... Syria will give him some level of distraction...